Welcome to my website

Welcome to my website where you will find details of all my work. There are links to pages about each of the books that we have for sale on the website. The menu will allow you to navigate through the website to all the different elements.
My other publications are still available elsewhere.

I have received 15 newly printed copies of Swansea in the 1950s which are for sale for £12.50 on this website. Price includes recycled packaging and delivery
Click here for more information about the book or find it in the menu.

Patagonia Jacks – the latest Inspector Rumsey Bucke Investigation

Available now from the How to Buy page on this website. Find it in the menu or click here

Published Spring 2022 Grave Tales from Wales Volume Two

Along with my local history volumes, you will also find a quartet of novels about a police inspector called Rumsey Bucke which are set in Swansea in the 1880s. These are In Knives We Trust, Our Lady of Mumbles, A Swansea Child and Patagonia Jacks

There is now also a novella called The Swansea Camel.

There is information about all these titles on this website

If you would like to  buy any of my  books then go to the How to Buy Page in the menu or click here

All my books have their own pages on this website  where you can discover more about them. You can order copies from me for immediate dispatch and naturally I will sign books or dedicate them, as you wish. Just let me know.

A Swansea Child was published at the end of October 2021. Find out more by clicking on this link or by using the menu.
Go to the How to Buy page for more information about how to get a copy. Click here or use the link in the menu.

Please note – you can pay using either Paypal or credit and debit cards. The website price  includes free delivery and recycled packing. Find out more here.

Click here to Buy Now

Here below are links which will take you to the specific page for each of my titles.

I have stock available for sale of all my books listed here.

The Numbers given are accurate. (Updated 12.38 h 07-10-24)

Patagonia Jacks New Stock. (Published October 2022)

Grave Tales From Wales Vol 2 New Stock. (Published March 2022)

Grave Tales from Wales Vol 1        New stock received (Pub July 2021)

Swansea in the 1950s   New Stock Received 13 copies available

In Knives We Trust                   Limited stock available

Our Lady of Mumbles               Only Two Copies available

A Swansea Child New stock available Published Oct 2021

The Swansea Camel New stock received 11 copies remaining

You can order a copy of any of these titles above directly from me on the How to Buy Page using Paypal. We have a 100% success rate on all deliveries, home and overseas. You can pay with a debit or credit card, too. You do not need a Paypal account.

Interested readers in Ireland should contact me directly. I am sure we can arrange delivery


I have sold out of copies of these titles below  and so they are not available on the website. However, they are available from Amazon, other on-line bookshops and traditional retailers. You can find out more about each book by clicking where a title is underlined. This will take you to the page dedicated to that particular  book where you can find out more about it. That page should open in a new window. 

50 Gems of South West Wales

50 Gems of Mid Wales   

A-Z of Swansea – 

Swansea in 100 Dates

Swansea Murders

Bloody Welsh History – Swansea

Swansea Then and Now

Swansea in 50 Buildings 

Welsh History Strange But True

Stories in Welsh Stone – The secrets beneath 15 Welsh Graves  


There is a page in the menu (Flip Books) where you can find a list of my works that are available for free which you can read as Flip Books. Some are new and some have been published previously.
Look in the menu or click here

You can also view my on-line catalogue of available books by clicking here

There is a News section and The Blog  is where I post complete illustrated articles that reflect the work we have done in revealing the stories that are represented by gravestone across Wales.

A brief moment of relaxation in the packing department
A brief moment of relaxation in the packing department

There is a section called Shorter Tales, where there are complete stories which are generally too short for publication, based usually on interesting gravestones. Here you can find the stories of Hedd Wyn and Robert Everett, which have always proved to be popular pages.

If you want some entertaining information about graves and The Resurrectionists then click here. You will be taken to a page where you can also read a fine short story by the American writer Ambrose Bierce. 

There is also a page about my work on Dyspraxia.

You can contact me at any time . I am always pleased to hear from you.

If I have got anything wrong or you have additional information concerning any of the stories I have written about then please get in touch. It is important that we preserve these parts of our past before it is too late.

Ben Evans

Click on this link below if you would like to listen to me narrating one of the sections in Grave Tales From Wales. This is the chapter about the Robber’s Grave in Montgomery



  1. Hello Geoff

    Your book has interested us greatly regarding Henry Tremble and the murder of Judge John Johnes. I believe Henry left a suicide note – is this available for public viewing? If not do you know the wording of the note?

    Many thanks

      1. Hi Geoff. Have recently become aware of you and will seek out your books with interest. You first came to light via a Wales on Line article.
        Could you please explain the accompanying picture of a couple in period dress on a pony and trap “alongside Swansea High St Station’

  2. Geoff
    Jenny bought me a copy of your book and i think it is brilliant!!
    I cant put it down
    Well done you!!
    Looking forward to the next one

  3. Dear Geoff,
    Do you know much about Morfydd Owen & Ernest Jones – it looks suspicious to me!

    Best wishes,


    1. Thank you for your message Richard. I have not researched poor Morfydd’s death, though I know that she is buried in Oystermouth Cemetery. I think any investigation of her death would require someone with much more medical knowledge than I possess!
      Best wishes

  4. I don’t know if you can help but I’m looking for the name of the owner of the flannel mill at Llewitha,Garngoch. 1800 to 1900. My mother said he was my great grandfather. I keep hitting brick walls. After reading your book Bloody Welsh History. Swansea, you mentioned Llewitha in the book about the well. I was brought up in Fforestfach and spent a lot of time down Garngoch as one of my aunties lived there . I lived just up the road and the family were known as The Garngochs.First I’ve heard of the well to. Any help,would be appreciated. Im 75 now and diasabled,all the family are gone. My grandparents were Hannah and David John Williams. They had eleven children eight boys and three girls . My mother was the youngest. Thank you. Ann.

    1. In google type in Mr David Simons Llewitha 1900 and click on the obituary it’s the information you need

      1. Thank you for this. I have previously sent this reference to Ann Obrien. The Welsh newspaper archive is such a fascinating thing – and we are so lucky that it is freely available!
        Best wishes

    2. Hello Ann
      My mothers family owned the flannel mill in Llewitha my mother was Margaret Simons, she used to live in Carmarthen Road near The Star pub. Her father was Trevor Simons married to Myrtle. Her family had that mill and the son think he was about 3 drowned in the mill. Then they shut it down it was near to where that big bungalow is.
      I went to the archives in the county hall a few years ago and researched it, I found his death certificate was going to do a family tree.
      I did write a few names down but it got quite confusing as there’s a lot of David Simons they must have carried that name all the way through.
      There are two grave stones at the entrance to the church yard by crush the wedding shop near Tesco it mentions there about llewitha factory on the grave.
      Hope this is of some help.

  5. Geoff,
    I very much enjoyed your book Swansea in the 1950s. It was my decade, I was born in1951 although I didn’t really get to know the town until the ‘60s.
    Can I correct your statement (pp 32 and 34) that David Evans was built on the site of Ben Evans. It was built on the site of David Evans! I have a copy of the company’s commemorative booklet published to celebrate the opening of the new store.
    I understand from the excellent gowerhiddenhistory.blogspot. that Ben Evans had been on what is now Castle Gardens. I remember as being spread across two or three premises in Walter Road, interesting that David Evans rebuilt whilst Ben Evans, at one time ‘The Harrods of West Wales’ just petered out.
    I thought it was a great shame when David Evans was demolishes, it was one of post-war Swansea’s more distinguished buildings.

  6. Hi Geoff
    Just received a book you wrote on Swansea Murders which is very interesting as my Gt Gt Grandfather’s murder is included in the book.,you have his name as Joseph Boyce which is in one of the newspaper cuttings but his name is Boyes.
    I am reading through the rest of the book which is very interesting

  7. Hello Geoff,
    Your son in law mentioned you were an author when I went to see him. It was because I also write and have two books for sale on Amazon. A Grave Inheritance (A time slip mystery) and, A Boy Peeling Fruit (A Crime thriller). I have just bought your novel, Lady of Mumbles, and I am looking forward to reading it. I used to live near the mumbles so was particularly intrigued by the title.

  8. Hello Geoff,
    I would like to purchase a personalised copy of one of your books as a Christmas present. Can you tell me where during the payment process I can add the recipient’s name.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you for your message Pauline. As soon as I receive your order I will email you directly and clarify your wishes. That usually works. There is a space on Paypal to enter instructions but most people are happy to let me know via email.
      I hope this helps
      Best wishes

  9. 7, York Gardens, Clifton Village, Bristol BS8 4LL

    Geoff Brookes,
    Dear Geoff Brookes,

    Clifton Village LitFest 2022

    We came to the Llandeilo LitFest and very much enjoyed your talk on the Graves. We also bought both of your books.
    FoCCaL (Friends of Clifton Community Centre and Library) started about five years ago to protect the Clifton VillageLibrary, which is the only publicly owned building in the village, from closure.
    FoCCaL is now planning the third Clifton Village LitFest for this November 11 – 13 and would be grateful if you would consider speaking at one of our sessions.
    The LitFest usually consists of a series of talks, poetry and music over the three days starting on Friday evening. We have the use of All Saints Church (400 seats), the Crypt (100 seats) and the whole of Clifton Village library in Princess Victoria Street with capacity of 60 (main room) or 40 (upper room)

    Yours sincerely,
    Gareth Hoskins (Treasurer)

  10. My Name is Brian Shaddick. born in 1943 and raised in Greenhill, would there be any books or images, available in Swansea, We lived in Ann street, overlooked by St Josephs Church, at that time post-war poverty was bad, but everybody knew each other, and as kids, we had Birthday Parties every week, where we would wait in line outside the house who.s Birthday it was, and wait outside until called in for that little bowl of jelly, and slice of cake,
    The big event of the year was in the summer, all the streets, Charles St, Emma St, etc all run a bus trip to Caswell every year, five bus loads of Greenhill familys, having there annual day out, what a day that would be,

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