Illustrated Talks

I am now available once again for illustrated presentations about my recently published works, like my fiction and my Grave Tales books which are outlined elsewhere on this website.

I am very happy to talk to societies or to reading groups about my published work or about my writing and publishing experiences in general.

I can talk specifically about The Rumsey Bucke Series to groups who have read them and would like to discuss the works with me, or to those who have not and would like an introduction to them – In Knives We Trust, Our Lady of Mumbles, Swansea Child and Patagonia Jacks, the latter to be published in October 2022.

I am also happy to talk about Grave Tales From Wales, Volumes One and Two

There would be a small fee, generally to cover preparation time and travel expenses, on the understanding that I can bring some books to sell!
Contact me via the website and we can discuss your requirements – I wouldn’t like to specify a fee since I know that some groups have very little money to spend. But, as an example, if you agree to buy a minimum of ten books then I would talk for an hour or so and charge about £25 – depending of course on where you are.

You can find examples of my work on the Flip Book page where there are links to pieces that you can read completely for free. They should give you an idea about my writing which might be useful for anyone who is not familiar with what I do.
Look for Flip Books in the menu or click here